Sunday, September 18, 2011

New Dollar General Tips

While teaching my class yesterday I picked up some great new General Dollar tips from a participant that I wanted to share with everyone! First of all Dollar General has started placing pads of in-store coupons around the store, while these deals alone are not always that great, I have found out that you can pair them with manufactures coupons which makes for some very sweet deals, this is also true with coupons printed from the Dollar General website that say Dollar General exclusive on them. Also, with the $5 off $25 promotion, if the cashier scans that coupon before your manufactures coupons then you do not have to worry about the limit, and you can do two transactions, say you have $50 worth of pre-coupon items, you can break that into two transactions and use two $5 off $25 coupons. So with all of this in consideration it looks like as I had hoped, that one of the smaller stores is going to step-up and make couponing there attractive!


  1. I went to Dollar Store Saturday and had the cashier scan my $5 off $25 purchase before my coupons. After she did that she told me the register wouldn't let me use the mgf. coupons because it had already given me a discount on everything with the $5 off..... I just left, didn't buy anything. I was very disappointed. If she had explained that to me before she scanned the $5 off, everything would have been OK. She knew I was going to use mgf coupons so I find that inexcusable...It works just the opposite at CVS, you have that scanned first...

  2. I hate the Dollar Store in Princeton. Most of the cashiers are very rude, and they are not coupon friendly.
    To the other poster- If you scan your MRQ Qs before your $5/$25, your total will drop below the needed $25, and the $5 will not come off. You were correct in handing her the $5/$25 first. You then should have been able to use your other coupons. I got this info directly from the regional manager.
